A Biomedical engineer.
Sports, travel and photography are my main passions, as well as the hobbies in which I love to invest most of my free time.
I have always been passionate about photography, as the way to express my personal view of the world. I love the way a photograph could concentrate on a single detail, isolating itself from all the things around it.
"To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them."
E. Erwitt
For years, I've looked for the picture that could best represent my feelings and the way I see the world around me.
I had the opportunity to travel a lot, finding inspiration into new culture, habits and lifestyles that had enriched me, sustaining my desire to discover and learn something new.
During this journey, I had the opportunity to partner with some great Brands and Friends that have helped me sustain my passion. Here is a brief list of them.

Huawei Brand Lover

Visit Scotland invited visitor

Visit Holland invited visitor

Lonely planet Pathfinders

Gopro Family member Italy

Daniel Wellington Ad campaign

24 Bottles Ad campaign

Sector Ad campaign 2018

Pininfarina Segno Ad campaign

SunGod Ad campaign

Vaavud Ad campaign
What is happening now?
You can continue following my passions down here!